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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Top Questions to Ask Your Property Division Lawyers Before Hiring Them

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Attorney Kyle Persaud
Attorney Kyle Persaud is the founder of Persaud Law Office based in Bartlesville, OK. Kyle has years of experience assisting the residents of Bartlesville in a variety of legal matters including family law, civil law, and estate planning. Mr. Persaud holds a B.A. from Oklahoma Wesleyan University, and a J.D. from the University of Tulsa College of Law. 

Remember Keypoints:

  • Legal Expertise and Experience: The expertise of your lawyer in family law and their experience with similar cases to yours are fundamental for navigating complex property divisions effectively.
  • Strategic Approach: Understanding the lawyer’s strategic approach, including their negotiation tactics and litigation readiness, can significantly impact the resolution of your case.
  • Financial Transparency: Clear and upfront communication about fees and billing is essential to avoid unexpected costs. Understanding the full financial implication of engaging a lawyer helps in making informed decisions.
  • Communication is Key: Regular and clear communication from your lawyer ensures that you are always informed and can make timely decisions. Assess their commitment to keeping you updated and how they handle client queries.
  • Proven Track Record: A lawyer’s track record can provide confidence in their ability to handle your case. Success rates, especially in cases similar to yours, can indicate their capability to negotiate and secure favourable outcomes.
  • Client References: Speaking with past clients can offer real-world insights into working with the lawyer. These references can help confirm the lawyer’s professionalism, effectiveness, and client service quality.

When facing a divorce, the division of property can be one of the most contentious and complicated issues. The choice of a property division lawyer in Australia can significantly impact the outcome, affecting your financial future long after the divorce is finalised. It’s crucial to choose a lawyer who not only understands the legal framework but can also navigate the emotional complexities of your situation. This article outlines the essential questions that will help you assess the capabilities and suitability of a property division lawyer, ensuring that your interests are adequately protected.

Key Considerations When Hiring Property Division Lawyers

  • Expertise in Local Laws: Mastery of local laws and procedures is essential. Ensure the lawyer is licensed to practice in your state and has a deep understanding of the local legal environment.
  • Negotiation Skills: The ability to negotiate effectively can define the financial outcome of your divorce. Assess the lawyer’s negotiation skills and their ability to advocate firmly on your behalf.
  • Compatibility and Comfort: It’s important that you feel comfortable and confident in your lawyer’s ability to represent you. Trust and compatibility are key to forming a productive attorney-client relationship.

Important Questions To Ask

What experience do you have with property division cases in Australia?

Experience matters in family law. Ask the lawyer about the number and types of property division cases they’ve managed, focusing on those that closely resemble your situation. Request specific examples where they dealt with complex asset divisions, such as business valuations, superannuation splits, and international property. This information helps gauge their depth of expertise and their ability to handle your case effectively.

Can you explain your strategy for handling property division?

A tailored strategy is essential in property division. Discuss with the lawyer their approach to negotiation, their stance on litigation, and how they plan to safeguard your interests, particularly with complex and high-value assets. Understanding whether they prefer an aggressive approach or a more conciliatory negotiation style will also help align your expectations with their methods.

What are your fees and billing structure?

Clarity on financial commitments upfront can prevent misunderstandings. Inquire about all possible charges, including hourly rates, retainer fees, and any additional costs that might arise (e.g., for mediation, expert valuations, or court appearances). Ask for a detailed breakdown and whether any services could be billed at a flat rate, which can offer more predictability in financial planning.

How do you communicate with clients throughout the divorce process?

Effective communication is crucial during a divorce. Query how the lawyer plans to keep you informed (frequency and methods of updates). Assess their commitment to being accessible for your questions or concerns, as this is indicative of their client service quality. This can be particularly important during high-stress moments where timely advice is needed.

What is your success rate in property division cases?

While success in family law can vary, understanding a lawyer’s track record can offer insights into their effectiveness. Discuss their most challenging cases and how they were resolved. Ask how they define success and how often they achieve outcomes close to their clients’ objectives. This can help set realistic expectations and give you a clearer picture of what they can accomplish.

Can you provide references from past clients?

References are crucial for gaining insights into the lawyer’s performance and client satisfaction. Request contact details for former clients who had similar cases to yours. Speaking to these references can reveal more about the lawyer’s reliability, communication style, and overall effectiveness in handling property division.

How to Prepare for Your First Meeting

Being well-prepared for your first meeting can set a positive tone for the entire legal process. Gather all relevant financial documents, such as bank statements, property deeds, and retirement account statements. Prepare a list of questions and concerns about your case to discuss with the lawyer. This preparation will enable the lawyer to offer concrete advice and develop a tailored strategy for your case.


Asking the right questions is crucial in choosing a competent property division lawyer who can navigate the complexities of your case. The right lawyer will not only be an advocate for your legal rights but also a supportive guide through one of life’s most challenging transitions.

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