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Aggressive Criminal Defense Representation in Atlanta

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Gretchen Taylor Pousson
I'm Gretchen Taylor Pousson, a criminal defense attorney with over 25 years of trial expertise. I've worked on both sides of the law, as a prosecutor and defense attorney, handling cases from DUIs to murder. My passion is defending individuals, especially juveniles, and helping them get a second chance. I'm a relentless fighter for justice, and my clients appreciate my compassionate and ethical approach. I've been recognized as a Super Lawyer and AVVO Top Attorney. I live in Herndon with my family and our lovable Black Labrador, Chase."

If you have been charged with a crime in Georgia, specifically in Atlanta. It is important to contact a knowledgeable and experienced criminal defense attorney. This will help you determine your options, understand your charges, and assess your best defenses.

Whether you are facing a misdemeanor or felony charge, the right defense can make a difference in your outcome. A skilled lawyer can guide you through each step of the process, from your arrest to your appeal.


Assault is a serious crime, requiring an experienced criminal defense lawyer. Even a minor conviction can make it difficult to find employment, housing, or education.

An aggressive criminal defense representation in Atlanta will protect you from malicious prosecution and ensure that the legal process is fair and does not violate your rights. Contact our office for a free consultation.

In many states, assault is defined as an intentional act that puts another person in fear of imminent harmful or offensive contact. No physical injury is required, but it must be intended to cause this contact.

The mens rea of this offense is the same as that of battery (in fact, it requires less evidence of actual bodily harm). A conviction for assault can result in fines and prison time, so it’s important to fight your case with an experienced criminal defense attorney.


Murder is a serious charge that can have life-altering consequences for you. This is why you need to hire a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible after an arrest or accusation.

Defending against murder requires extensive knowledge of the law and experience handling these cases. It also requires effective motion practice and thorough investigation to build a strong case against the prosecution.

This is why it’s so important to have aggressive criminal defense representation in Atlanta on your side if you are facing murder charges.

The crime of murder is a very serious offense that can lead to significant punishment in the state of Georgia, including a lifetime sentence or the death penalty.

The legal definition of homicide differs from state to state, but in general, it includes killing someone with the intent of causing death or grievous bodily harm. It also includes killing in circumstances where a partial defense applies, such as loss of control or diminished responsibility.

Felony Manslaughter

Felony manslaughter is a serious crime that can lead to jail time and substantial fines. It is important to seek aggressive criminal defense representation in Atlanta as soon as you are arrested or charged with a crime.

Defending a murder charge is not an easy task and requires a lot of experience and hard work. Your attorney will do everything possible to obtain the facts of the case and build a strong strategy for your defense.

Murder is a harsh punishment in our society, especially when convicted. A conviction can result in a mandatory prison sentence for life, and in some states, the death penalty is also available.

The state must prove that you acted with the intent to kill someone and that someone died as a result of your actions. However, there are some defenses that may be able to mitigate or acquit you of the charge. Some of these defenses include self-defense and the defense of others.

Drug Charges

If you have been arrested for drug possession in Atlanta, or are facing other charges involving illegal drugs, it is essential to seek aggressive criminal defense representation. The consequences of being convicted of a drug crime can have far-reaching ramifications that affect you for years to come.

In Georgia, drug crimes are typically charged as felonies and carry serious penalties. These include substantial fines and lengthy prison sentences.

You can fight these felony drug charges by working with an experienced attorney who understands Georgia laws and the way that law enforcement approaches drug offenses. The lawyer will know how to evaluate all aspects of your case, including the type of substance that you possessed and how it was seized by law enforcement.

In addition to seeking a reduction in the charges that you are facing, your attorney may be able to get statements that you made to police officers suppressed if they were unconstitutionally obtained. These suppressions can help you avoid the harshest of consequences if you are convicted of your drug charges.

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