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Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Most Common Mistakes People Make When Hiring A Lawyer

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When you realise that you need a lawyer, things tend to move pretty quickly. It seems fair to say that you may not be at your most composed when you reach this point. Very few of us are in the position where we have a solicitor on hand every time, we need to get some advice. As a result, we often find ourselves on the back foot and short on time. There is an awful lot of trust involved when we hire a lawyer. We are trusting them to know everything that we don’t about the process. We are trusting them to take our side in what may be an emotionally charged issue, and where they may be a lot of money involved. Finally, we are trusting them to get us the justice that we need.

As a result, there are a lot of different pitfalls that people can fall into when they are looking for a solicitor. Most law firms spend a lot of time and money on being as convincing as they can be. There are nearly 10,000 law firms in the UK. It is up to you to make sure that you find the right one for you. Here are a few mistakes that a lot of people make, and how you can avoid them.

Taking Size As An Indicator Of Quality

It is perfectly understandable why some people will be reassured by the size of a huge law firm. If they employ that many people and have such an impressive office, then surely that must mean that they are the best one. Of course, this is often far from the case. It is so important to remember that part of finding the right solicitor is finding the person that you feel comfortable with. A lawyer at a big company may be dealing with several different clients at any one time, and it’s no guarantee that they are any better at their job than a smaller team at a smaller practice who will be able to devote all of their time and energy to your case.

Looking For The Wrong Kind Of Experience

The phrase “years of experience” is always going to be reassuring when you are looking for a solicitor. However, the question you need to be asking them is “years of experience in what, exactly?” There are so many different kinds of legal areas out there. Just because someone has been working in the legal profession for their whole life, does not mean that they are experts in the particular area where you need help. Say you need help with an issue involving contest probate, for example. There are a lot of different reasons why you may want to raise an issue with a will. You may want to issue a subpoena to produce a will, or you may want to remove an executor. If you are getting into this territory, then it is so important to find a contentious probate solicitor with experience in this area instead of any old lawyer. Get in touch with the team at Hugh James to find out how their experience can help you.

Not Meeting The Lawyer In Question

It is so important to remember that the question of whether or not a lawyer is right for you has a lot to do with whether you trust them to get this done on your behalf. Try to make sure that you sit down with your potential solicitor in person before you commit to anything. Most law firms will offer a free consultation where you can get to know each other a bit and they can get a better understanding of your case. If you do not feel like they are being upfront with you, or if you do not feel like they are the right fit for you, then you should keep looking. Law firms like Didlaw excel in face-to-face interactions and are more than happy to meet you in person or, if travelling is an implication, they will schedule time to call you.

Not Understanding The Issue Of Cost

Everyone is worried about how far their money is going to stretch right now. There are so many different elements to the cost-of-living crisis, from the amount we are paying at the supermarket to how enormous our energy bills are going to be. But there are a few different mistakes that you can make when you are considering the cost of your legal fees. The first is when you are comparing how much different legal practices cost. It is important to remember that the most expensive law firm does not necessarily translate to the best law firm (although they would certainly like you to think that). And just because a law firm offers bargain basement prices, that does not necessarily mean that they are just as good as the more expensive one. You also need to ensure that you have a crystal-clear idea of the costs before you sign anything. Any law firm worth their salt will be upfront with you about how much you could be looking at spending.

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