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What’s Whose in US Copyright Law and How Does It Apply to Translation?

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What falls under your copyright? And what is entitled to you under copyright law? Will your copyright be lost in translation? The copyright law is an extensive law that states the link between authors and translators. We’ll find out more in this article. 

This will probe who will be the owner of documents, videos, design, website, and images when you acquire legal translation services. We’ll look at Title 17 of the United States Code, the history of copyright law, the definition of copyright law when it comes to translation, and how legal translation services can help secure your copyright even when translated, through this law.

When it comes to law cases from top law firms, legal translation services can help solve all your copyright issues. Let’s get started on our journey through copyright law. 

The History of Copyright Law

The history of copyright law is a long one, starting with the founding fathers of the US constitution. The Copyright Law of 1790 was the first federal law copyright law, which mostly remains in use today. It wasn’t renewed until 40 years later, then 180 years later, in the Copyright Act of 1976, and again in the Copyright Act of 1998, which reinstated the termination of copyright over and over again.

The purpose of this copyright law is stated in the Constitution, which says, according to the United States Constitution: “The Congress shall have Power […] to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.”

In the international sphere, the tension with translation starts with international law, and international order. From the very beginning, translation was created so that different knowledge, concepts, and ideas could be passed on to different countries throughout the world. The development of translation within international law is still filled with disputes, and translation as copyright is dictated internally within different countries.

Title 17 of the United States Code

The United States copyright law is located in the chapters 1-8 and 10-12 of Title 17 of the United States Code. According to copyright law, all copyright rests on all the original work of the author in any tangible medium of expression. Copyright law protects the intellectual property of the author or copyright owner. This applies for both commercial and private use. 

Here are some definitions that will prove vital for us, from the US Penal Code

“A work is “created” when it is fixed in a copy or phonorecord for the first time; where a work is prepared over a period of time, the portion of it that has been fixed at any particular time constitutes the work as of that time, and where the work has been prepared in different versions, each version constitutes a separate work.”

“A “derivative work” is a work based upon one or more preexisting works, such as a translation, musical arrangement, dramatization, fictionalization, motion picture version, sound recording, art reproduction, abridgment, condensation, or any other form in which a work may be recast, transformed, or adapted. A work consisting of editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications which, as a whole, represent an original work of authorship, is a “derivative work”.

A created work is different from a derivative work. A translation can be both original, created work, or derivative work, depending on the situation and the translation. The translation can be original work when the version of the translation is a separate work.

The Definition of Copyright Law When It Comes to Translation

The copyright law also discusses the status of translations. Since a translation is a derivative work of the original work, the copyright rests with the author of the original work and not with the translator. And, all adaptive work such as translations must be done with the permission of the original author. So, a best-selling work cannot be translated or distributed without the original author’s permission. For example, if someone is translating a book, they would need permission from the rightful owner of the copyright.

However, when it comes to creative translation, the law differs. It says that copyright law protects translations, as long as it’s the translator’s personal intellectual creation. Any original translations are protected by copyright law. For example, if someone is translating a slogan, they may be entitled to be the original author in the copyright law.

How Legal Translation Services Can Help Secure Your Copyright

How can legal translation services protect your copyrighted work? Legal translation services can help secure your copyright by translating your work as derivative works. When it comes to derivative works, you as the author have complete control over your original work. Translation will create new works for you to be published or disseminated to the public. With legal translation services, your work is protected by copyright. 

No matter if you’re in a marketing firm with a legal dispute internationally under the copyright law, or a medical devices firm in need of protection under the copyright law, legal translation can transform your information into a language needed by the jurisdiction.

Thus, experts in legal translation services by expressing legal documents in the expertise of both the jurisdiction and the institution, will be able to settle disputes in the jurisdiction which your legal matter is in. 

The importance of looking for legal translation services is necessary, in order to have experts who know about the copyright field. It is highly recommended to use legal translation services such as Tomedes for the actual legal translation. Utilizing their expertise is critical in ensuring that your copyright will remain yours. They’ll be able to see the issues from your legal translations directly.

Professionals at legal translation services have the legal expertise and the linguistic expertise of translators who have reached a certain level of qualification in copyright law and in their languages. Their knowledge of copyright law can help protect your copyright, especially because of their niche in the legal field. They’re more than translators, they’re legal experts, US Code experts and are business experts as well. 

So you can be sure that your translations are in good hands with legal translation services.

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